Association for Ukraine Aid Halle (Saale)
Since February 24, 2022
Ukraine is at war with Russia
Together with our donors we support hospitals
Current project
Project 3 Ambulance
It is very important to get the wounded, both civilians and soldiers, to hospitals as soon as possible. Unfortunately, due to the fighting, ambulances are lost and need constant replenishment. They are extremely necessary for medical units in the east of the country
Project budget 17 000 €
Every euro is important!
Bruecke Ukraine Aid Halle (Saale) eV
Bank: Saalesparkasse
IBAN: DE83 8005 3762 1894 1206 51
Purpose: Ukraine aid
How do we work?
We have direct, personal contact with hospitals and local communities. We receive orders for essentials and provide precise humanitarian aid. We would like to thank companies, medical practices, pharmacies and dedicated individuals for their diverse support.
Bruecke Ukraine Aid Halle (Saale) eV
Bank: Saalesparkasse
IBAN: DE83 8005 3762 1894 1206 51
Purpose: Ukraine aid
Bruecke Ukraine Aid Halle (Saale) eV
Bank: Saalesparkasse
IBAN: DE83 8005 3762 1894 1206 51
Purpose: Ukraine aid
Project Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, walking aids, crutches and medical splints are particularly in demand during the rehabilitation period.
Thanks to the mediation by the Schmitz Cargobull employees and the support of the St. Franziskus-Klinik in Münster, a whole transporter load of these valuable items could be procured.
With the help of
Project Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, walking aids, crutches and medical splints are particularly in demand during the rehabilitation period.
Thanks to the mediation by the Schmitz Cargobull employees and the support of the St. Franziskus-Klinik in Münster, a whole transporter load of these valuable items could be procured.
Project Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, walking aids, crutches and medical splints are particularly in demand during the rehabilitation period.
Thanks to the mediation by the Schmitz Cargobull employees and the support of the St. Franziskus-Klinik in Münster, a whole transporter load of these valuable items could be procured.
With the help of
Project Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, walking aids, crutches and medical splints are particularly in demand during the rehabilitation period.
Thanks to the mediation by the Schmitz Cargobull employees and the support of the St. Franziskus-Klinik in Münster, a whole transporter load of these valuable items could be procured.
With the help of
Project Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, walking aids, crutches and medical splints are particularly in demand during the rehabilitation period.
Thanks to the mediation by the Schmitz Cargobull employees and the support of the St. Franziskus-Klinik in Münster, a whole transporter load of these valuable items could be procured.
With the help of
Project Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, walking aids, crutches and medical splints are particularly in demand during the rehabilitation period.
Thanks to the mediation by the Schmitz Cargobull employees and the support of the St. Franziskus-Klinik in Münster, a whole transporter load of these valuable items could be procured.
With the help of
Project Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs, walking aids, crutches and medical splints are particularly in demand during the rehabilitation period.
Thanks to the mediation by the Schmitz Cargobull employees and the support of the St. Franziskus-Klinik in Münster, a whole transporter load of these valuable items could be procured.
With the help of
Electrocardiograph project
Two mobile dental offices, 5200 drills, 350 dental and surgical instruments collected for Ukraine
With the help of
Project Ambulance Petropavlovsk Borshchahivka
Recipients of humanitarian aid from the Petropavlovsk Borshchahivka ambulance near Kyiv Medicines, surgical instruments, gloves and clothes; Fire extinguisher, power generator
With the help of Syra Henke
Project Hospital Petropavlivska Borshchahivka near Kiev
In the critical days, when the enemy stood near Kyiv, the usual ambulance turned into a hospital for civilians and military personnel, and there was a lack of medicines, medical equipment and generators
With the help of
Project defibrillators
Defibrillators are urgently needed in Ukraine for civilians and military personnel due to the high casualty toll. Medical ECONET made us a particularly favorable offer for mobile automatic and semi-automatic defibrillators. This made it possible to buy more of them. Project to commemorate Marco Pani Delivery support Profine, WinkHaus. Funding from the WeARe ODV Foundation
With the help of Diego Pani, Emanuele Ranucci
Project Tactical Scissors
For serious injuries, careful tailoring of clothing and footwear reduces the risk of limb loss.
Tactical scissors also cut shoes with metal components
They were sent to hospitals in Vinnytsia and eastern Ukraine
With the help of
Project generators
In the first months of the current phase of the war, hospitals urgently needed generators for water supply, lighting and for the operating theatres.
With the help of Anna Briski, Dr. Heinz Scheible
Project vacuum devices
Vacuum devices are effective in wound healing. The canisters or containers are the parts with the greatest wear. It was possible to buy part of the cranes in the USA and Belgium. The canisters were sent to the surgical department in Vinnytsia.
With the help of Dmitrii Tatsii, Dr. medical dent. Syra Henke
Project Dentistry
Two mobile dental offices, 5200 drills, 350 dental and surgical instruments collected for Ukraine
With the help of Dr. medical dent. Syra Henke
Bruecke Ukraine Aid Halle (Saale) eV
Bank: Saalesparkasse
IBAN: DE83 8005 3762 1894 1206 51
Purpose: Ukraine aid
Culture House of Bucha with flags of European nations
early April
📷 Mykhailo Karlovski
Shopping center “Retroville” in Kyiv after a Kinshal cruise missile hit
middle of March
📷 Mykhailo Karlovski
Gostomil (near Kyiv). Junction with destroyed vehicles: civil and military, expensive and cheap
in front of a until recently prosperous area
📷 Mykhailo Karlovski
Bruecke Ukraine Aid Halle (Saale) eV
Bank: Saalesparkasse
IBAN: DE83 8005 3762 1894 1206 51
Purpose: Ukraine aid
Tetiana Skalko-Karlowska
Die Vorsitzende des Bruecke Ukrainehilfe Halle (Saale) e.V.
In Brücke gibt es keine Gehaltsabrechnung für Angestellte. Alle arbeiten ehrenamtlich, sodass alle gesammelten Gelder zur Unterstützung von Krankenhäusern, medizinischen Geräten und Krankenwagen und deren Lieferung in die Ukraine verwendet werden. Wir werden von einer großen Anzahl von Freiwilligen in Europa und der Ukraine unterstützt. Wir sind allen Menschen und Unternehmen zutiefst dankbar, die für den Fonds gespendet haben und spenden werden, allen Freiwilligen, die sich dafür einsetzen, Leben und Gesundheit der Menschen zu retten.
Der Verein Bruecke Ukrainehilfe Halle (Saale) e.V. ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt und kann Spendenquittungen ausstellen.
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